17 August 2006

Boys, bathroom, baby's room

Noah is a little walking fiend now! Yesterday I needed to go to the post office so I put his reins on rather than take the buggy and he walked the whole way there and the whole way back. Okay, it's not far (about 300m each way maybe?) but it's a long way for those little legs. He loved it though, and cried and fought against me when I picked him up to cross the busy road and only stopped when I put him down to walk again. When we got back home he just had a meltdown, hanging on my leg and crying like his heart was broken. After supper we all took a walk together and found a green field nearby where the boys could just run and play. Noah was in his element and Daniel enjoyed getting all his energy out too. Grant and I enjoyed the relaxing time together.

Today is Daniel's last day at preschool. I feel sad for him because I know he's going to miss it there and miss his key worker, Kerry. He made a card for her last night and copied the words "I love you" into it because that's what he wanted it to say, and drew dinosaurs and kisses and a butterfly. I'm excited for him to start school though, because I know he's going to love it! Poor Noah will miss him so much every day (I confess I will too). Only a couple more weeks until school ... the air is feeling like autumn already and I even noticed that a couple of leaves have turned on our silver birch tree:

Yes I do realise the lawn desperately needs mowing ... it'll need raking soon too

And speaking of plants, look how well our pansy seeds have grown! Daniel and I planted them a few weeks ago. They sit on the vestibule windowsills; it's like a greenhouse.


Noah's room:
Wall 1 (the wall with the door in): fully painted
Wall 2 (the wall with the radiator on): most of first coat painted, still have to paint behind shelving unit and do second coat
Wall 3 (the wall with the window on): some cutting in done, no use painting until after window is replaced
Wall 4 (the wall with the cot against it): first coat complete

Mirror ready for painting, monograms waiting for second coat:

Painting progress: first coat complete on 2 walls, ceiling complete

Tomorrow night the old bath gets ripped out, floor laid, battens and drywall up and new bath installed! Wish us luck!!

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