31 January 2008


Am feeling a little melancholy and lonely today. The isolation and lack of adult company is starting to wear on me. It's a beautiful sunny day but cold outside and I might go for a walk to the beach with Noah a little later. I had intended to go to the toddler group at the church a few doors down from our house but we've mail-ordered a couple of things on the internet so I wanted to be in in case they were delivered this morning.

I've been spending my time today doing laundry, organising cupboards in the kitchen, clearing the pantry area in the cellar and I hung some pictures on the half-landing. Slowly the house is taking shape and organised systems are being put in place. We have less storage furniture than in the last house so that's been a bit challenging, and there are a few items we still need to buy, but we need to watch finances as I'm still not working. Noah has been as good as gold today, just pottering around with me or playing with his toys. My sweet angel.

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