29 August 2010

A-ha moments

Today I was thinking about those little "a-ha!" moments when you discover something or someone tells you something that makes your life easier. I thought I'd share four here - some I figured out on my own (years ago) and some I've learned more recently.

Box tabs
Don't you hate it when you are pulling foil or plastic wrap out of the box and the roll keeps jumping out? Did you know that on most boxes there are tabs you can press in on the sides to keep the roll in the box?


Zig zag wrapper ends
Did you know that the zig-zags aren't for decoration, they are for ease of tearing? Just tear into one of the V's and the plastic will split easily.


Piercing the tube
Don't you hate it when you open a new tube of ointment and it has that tough foil seal on the end? You cast your eye around for something to pierce it with ... then you realise that if you spin the cap around, there is a purpose-made spike in the end to pierce the foil with!


Which side to fill up?
You're driving an unfamiliar car. You stop to put fuel in. As you approach the pumps you wonder which side the fuel tank is. Did you know that you can tell by looking at your fuel guage? It usually sits to the right or the left of your speedometer - whichever side it sits is the side your fuel tank is. (Usually, but not always; this was not the case with the car we rented in Germany!)

This fuel tank should be on the right in this car:


And did you know that in some cars the fuel guage actually has a little arrow showing you which side the tank is? You'd need it in this car because the guage is on the right ... but the arrow shows that the tank is actually on the left.


When I learned the last tip it blew my little mind ... but then I was disappointed by the car we rented in Germany that didn't bear it out. So I'm asking all of you to renew my faith - is your fuel guage on the same side as your fuel tank??

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