10 March 2012

Extra line space

We dry our clothes on two clothes horses in the garage. It's convenient (they sit next to the washing machine) and I don't have to worry about changeable weather. But sometimes, when I am doing a few loads in one day, we run out of hanging space.

So we rigged up some lines inside the garage door.


The line is tied on each end ...


... and in between it goes through the hinges of the door:


Not only does this give us extra hanging space, the heat of the sun on the door dries the items faster. And if the weather is warm, I can leave the door open (or partially open) for air flow. (We use old face flannels as cleaning cloths, hence the bleach marks on them.)


You might wonder what happens when the door opens and we need to park the car underneath. Here, let me show you (you can see the clothes horses in the far left corner too):


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