18 December 2019

3 Ways to Look After Your Newborn (e.g. seek compensation for medical malpractice)

Having a baby is an unforgettable milestone in your life, but it can also be daunting. Many parents find the prospect of caring for their newborn overwhelming. To help you prepare and feel confident about your baby’s arrival, here are three ways to look after your newborn.

1. Learn how to handle a newborn 
  Newborn babies look extremely small and fragile, so people often worry about hurting them or causing them injuries. Fortunately, newborns are a lot more robust than you may think, but you still need to be careful when handling them. According to parental advice on healthline.com, you should always wash your hands or use sanitizer before handling a newborn to prevent the spread of illness and disease. When you pick your newborn up, you must support their head and neck and protect the soft spot on the top of their head. You can choose to hold your newborn in any position that is comfortable for you, so long as their head is properly supported. Remember that you should never shake a baby, as this can cause serious injury and even death. You can get plenty of useful advice and tips on how to hold a newborn by attending parenting classes or reading blogs and forums online.

2. Seek compensation for medical malpractice
Most of the time, labor runs smoothly, and babies are born healthy. However, accidents can happen and result in life-changing injuries. Birth-related medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional, such as a doctor or nurse, acts negligently and causes injury to the mother or child during pregnancy or birth. Some common examples of birth injuries include fractures, damage to the spinal cord, and brain injury. If you or your newborn has been injured during the birth, then you should always explore your options to make a claim. It is your legal right to claim compensation for any pain and subsequent losses that you experience as a result of an injury that wasn’t your fault. Compensation is vital if your baby requires ongoing treatment for their injuries. If you would like to find out more about making a malpractice claim, then visit www.the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk for further advice.

3. Be mindful of what you feed your newborn
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding your baby breast milk for the first six months. You may choose to feed your baby formula milk if you don’t want to breastfeed. Make sure you avoid giving your baby any other form of solid food before this time, as they may choke or get sick. Once your baby is a few months old, you can start introducing baby food and other suitable solids into their diet. Certain foods should be avoided in a baby’s diet. For instance, experts advise that babies should not consume cow’s milk or honey before the age of one. You should also make sure that food items are cut up into small chunks to reduce the risk of choking.

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